Free Training

How To Develop A Consistent Tone On The Violin Without

 Trying To Wrap Your Mind Around

Everything At Once 

In This Training 

You'll Learn:



The Top 3 Mistakes That Keep Violinists from Developing a Consistent, Full Tone

and How to Avoid Them.



How I Learned to Overcome These Mistakes In My Own Practicing

Without Sacrificing Hours of Time Away From My Family.



The Blueprint I Use With My Students

So That They Can Have SUCCESS in Developing Their Tone Quality on the Violin.



Jen Groh

"Rachael is knowledgeable about adult learners, including how we process information and physical challenges to playing the violin that young children don't likely face. She helps me grow and progress past potential frustration."

This Training is for You if.....


  • You're wanting to improve your intonation and start using the bow to its full potential.

  • You're frustrated because it feels like the slightest angle of your left hand fingers changes the tone of the note and you struggle to be in tune and make a good sound.

  • It feels like everything has to be just right to produce a good sound and it's so hard to control it all!


Hello, I'm Rachael....


I was once in your shoes......Struggling to control my bow and left hand to have a good tone quality. I also know what it feels like to have very little time to practice because, as a stay-at-home mom and business owner, there really isn't a lot of time to spare!

My limited time forced me to make the most of the time that I did have, and as I honed in my practicing, I discovered areas of practicing that are overlooked and often neglected! 

As I developed my practice strategies and processes, I unlocked areas of my playing where I thought I would never be successful! Now I want to help YOU unlock a beautiful tone in your playing too!!

This training is near and dear to my heart and I know you will walk away armed with knowledge you didn't have before. My hope is you will be inspired to practice with renewed energy and awareness to start developing your own unique and beautiful tone on the violin. 

I look forward to seeing you in the Training!